Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Political Science, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran

2 Master of Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Reza Davari is one of the prominent figures in the field of philosophy and thought in Iran who has thought a lot about the concept of the West and modernity and has tried to respond to the pervasive crises of the new world and in particular through their knowledge and pathology. Issues and questions of one's own community. In the process of his philosophizing, he has dealt with new issues such as development and the necessity of its application, as he has provided the ground for contradictory interpretations of his views. The present article will also focus on the hidden contradictions in the judgments of the West about modernity and development, in the meantime, while showing these contradictions, we will try to analyze them as much as possible. These contradictions and contradictions can be seen in issues such as the following: the totality or disintegration of the West, the internal order or disorder of modernity, how to deal with the West, the possibility or impossibility of imitating the West, the role of philosophy in development, the possibility of imitation or The necessity of ijtihad in this direction. The main question that this discourse seeks to answer is what effect has time and the evolution of thought had on Reza Davari's intellectual confrontation with modernity and the West? Accordingly, the hypothesis of the present study is formulated as follows: And how to deal with them over time is sometimes contradictory.
