Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Political Science, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Lamerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Iran.


The model of the political system in any society is always influenced by the beliefs and values of that society. This issue has taken a more prominent form in Iranian society after the Islamic revolution of 1357.with the study of the community of humanities students of the Islamic Azad University of Shiraz University, aims to investigate the influence of religious beliefs and values on the formation and realization of the model of religious democracy. Based on Cochran's formula, 332 people were selected as the sample size by simple random sampling method and were analyzed by t-test method. The findings show that the realization of the model of religious democracy is influenced by the attitude of the people of the Iranian society towards the components of this model. the realization of the model of religious democracy means the acceptance of a distinct form of society administration, which can also be considered as a factor for the expansion of the Islamic Revolution. From this point of view, issuing the model of religious democracy means issuing the values of the Islamic Revolution in the new stage of the Islamic Revolution. Another argument is that the link between religion and political values by the Islamic revolution is a special and distinct model, which is clearly a negation of the propagation of the model of secularism on the one hand and an ineffective negation of the role of religion in the administration of Islamic societies on the other hand.
