Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Islamic Revolution, Faculty of Theology and Religions, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 A member of the academic staff of the psychology department of North University


From the point of view of political psychology, the behavior and political ethics of the prophets and imams in forming a desirable society was not the Machiavellian method of Western ideas, which is based on lies, force, corruption, deceit, and deceit. Rather, it is based on the teachings and methods of the Qur'an and divine ontology, and these methods are patient, brave, strong, have high self-confidence, and are also very strong-hearted and hard-hearted towards unbelievers, and are very compassionate and kind to each other. 29. Fatah) This research is qualitative and of the type of library and documentary studies. The information obtained has been qualitatively analyzed using experts.

The findings of the research will show that the application of ontology in the field of political psychology leads to the realization of the ideal society. A practical example of that is Imam Khomeini, who studied political and campaign psychology in the framework of Quranic ontology and succeeded in creating a system and a desirable society in the Iranian revolution. His success was due to two reasons. Divine Knowledge) Secondly, he had made the moral behavior of the prophets and infallible imams his model in establishing a desirable government system, and this was the condition for his success in establishing a desirable system in the Islamic Revolution of Iran.


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