Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Iranian History after Islam, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University. Tehran . Iran .

2 Department of … , Payame Noor University (PNU)

3 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran. Iran.


In the upcoming research, using the descriptive-analytical method and using library sources, historical documents, newspapers, it seeks to answer the question that the performance of the National Assembly (14th) from the beginning of its formation to its dissolution based on the role What was the performance of Soviet, British and factions?

The findings of the research indicate that the intervention of the Soviet Embassy in Tehran in the matter of elections was mainly for the purpose of choosing fifty-five representatives from five provinces of the country from among the communists and the henchmen of the Soviet government and enter the parliament. And the whole effort of the British government was to prevent the election of people who are partners with their enemies and cooperate with them. Also, the factions created at the beginning of the work of the 14th Parliament were also formed due to personal interests, and for this reason, the number of people in them increased or decreased. However, these factions did not have unity of opinion among their representatives and their positions were not clearly defined. As a result, there were difficult conflicts between the members of the parliament and between the governments and the parliament.
