Document Type : Original Article


1 PHD ofof International Relations, Gilan University,

2 Assistant Professor of International Relations, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Imam Khomeini International University (RA)- Qazvin


Female Headed Households are women who, in the absence of the presence or support of an adult man, are in charge of taking care of the family and providing material and spiritual sustenance for themselves and the members of the household. The purpose of this article is to examine the approach of Iran after the revolution and the Kingdom of Sweden to Female Headed Households the policies and viewpoints of the policy makers of the two countries to this group of women and finally to provide solutions for Iranian stakeholders. The main question of this research is, what model is the policy-making of Iran after the revolution and the Kingdom of Sweden towards female heads of the household based on? The hypothesis that comes in the answer is that the approach of the two countries, although there are differences in terms of quantity and the granting of rights and benefits - which means Sweden's superiority in this field - but it was based on the dimensions of protection and poverty alleviation. The results of the research show that the two countries are focused on poverty alleviation policy, supporting the children of this group of women and overall economic aspects. However, Iran has more institutions than Sweden - support for women heads of households by various institutions such as the relief committee, welfare, municipality, etc. - in this field and has various legal resources to support this category of women. While this is considered an advantage,
