Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, University of Tehran


Vala and bond between Muslims and innocence from infidels is considered as one of the fundamental teachings of Islam in social life, which forms a single identity under the title of one nation. In Imam Khomeini's thought, the characteristic of vala among Muslim societies is the systematicity and purposefulness of vala. The main question of the article is that in Imam's thought, the connection between Muslim societies is possible in the form of what system and model? In response, using Ayatollah Asefi's theory of Wala network, this hypothesis is examined that Imam Wala and the connection between Muslim communities are possible within the framework of a system and network with the goal of divine rapprochement. In this Wala-Barat system, which has three longitudinal dimensions (relationships of the society with God and the first things), depth (divine heritage and the tradition of the infallible) and transverse (relationships and relationships of the Islamic Ummah), the transverse dimension (link between Muslim societies) is subject to two It is a longitudinal dimension (Umm al-Qara) and a depth (Sunnah and History of the Innocents). The depth dimension is an intellectual foundation and explains the boundaries and gaps of the vala network and gives identity to the other two dimensions, and the longitudinal dimension provides the necessary authority and security for the transverse dimension and the relationship of Muslim people. This state system, on the one hand, is based on the connection between "self" (Muslims) and on the other hand, on the innocence of "others" (infidels).
