Document Type : Original Article


1 University faculty member

2 Examining the professional ethics of judges after the Islamic revolution


Implementing fair judgment is one of the principles and basis of Islamic society. And considering the great role of fair judgment in the realization of Iranian Islamic model of progress, in this research, the basics of professional ethics of judges in Islamic civilization are discussed. The conditions of judgment in the Islamic society have been established in such a way that people's lives, property, and honor do not fall into the hands of unworthy people, and the rights of individuals and society are not sacrificed to personal interests and desires or profit-seeking groups. . After examination and analysis, it can be said: through the Holy Quran and the life of the innocents (pbuh), it is possible to extract the important indicators of the professional ethics of judges, which include: fairness in proceedings along with sincerity in action and politeness. Ego, good behavior and good attitude, respect for equality and justice in judging and execution of sentence, responsibility and accountability towards the right holders, decisiveness in judging and dealing with wrongdoers. In this research, using the descriptive and analytical method and using library sources, it has been tried to examine the individual and structural aspects of judicial professional ethics after the Islamic revolution, and finally offer suggestions.