Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of the University and Higher Research Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research, Tehran, Iran


Sociology is the study of human behavior in the social context. Society is therefore the basic unit of analysis. On the other hand, politics is the resolution of human conflicts; It is the process by which society authoritatively distributes resources and values, makes decisions, or determines policies; So politics is the exercise of power and influence in society. At the same time, the Islamic Revolution of Iran, with its emergence in an era when the social presence of religion was considered over, created theoretical challenges in processing what the Western world considered to be human utopia, and subsequently turned a wave of Western theorizing. With this description, the interaction point of sociology and politics can be explained in the political perspective. Because political attitude is a widely used concept in social psychology and political sociology; However, little attention is paid to it in this field. However, due to the importance of political attitude in increasing the probability of predicting political behavior, it should be considered. The present article aims to explain political sociology; Individual and psychological factors of political attitude formation as an important stimulus of this research to determine the meaning and how to form a political attitude was put on the agenda to theoretically expand the concept of political attitude of agents and how it is formed using a mixed approach and descriptive-analytical method. The results of the research findings indicate that understanding the political attitude helps to identify the possible political actions and increases the predictability in the field of politics.
