Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Political Science, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


With the outbreak of the 1979 Revolution, researchers and thinkers in the social sciences studied the reasons for the outbreak of this revolution and sought to provide theoretical frameworks in this field. Each of the theoretical frameworks, while accepting the existence of different factors in the occurrence of the Iranian revolution, points to one factor as the main factor. According to the theory of unbalanced development, the Iranian revolution occurred because the Shah of Iran undertook reforms in the socio-economic spheres, thus expanding the new working and middle classes, but was unable to modernize in the political sphere. As a result, the deep divide between the developed socio-economic system and the underdeveloped political system became so wide that it led to the fall of the regime. Binder, Abrahamian, Milani and Zibakalam are among the authors who believe in this theory in the occurrence of the Iranian revolution. The study of the theory of unbalanced development in explaining the cause of the Iranian revolution is an issue that has been studied in this research by descriptive-analytical method and using the sources and research at its disposal.
